Does Testosterone affect concentration?

Lets not beat around the bush - you've probably thought about the ways testosterone changes might be affecting performance, even how they may be influencing aspects of ypur appearance (we are not judging, promise).
After all, thing like these are hard to avoid when your sex drive Isn't quite what it used to be or when your jeans start feeling pretty tight.....everywhere!
Either way, these harsh life markers (all fixable so do not stress!) make it easier realise the importance testosterone has on health furthermore, physical developments such as physique, bone density and energy levels.
Whats more disconcerting is men not knowing just how essential T is to mental health and wellbeing. Below is the most common way low T can trigger changes in your mental health:
Lacking Focus
Concentration levels from time to time become hard to maintain, especially with the amount of distractions we currently have being the digital age. Having Low T can amplify this problem. Testosterone has a direct correlation to supporting cognitive and organisational skills. Having Low T makes it harder to focus and conncentrate.
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